Saturday, July 4, 2009

Once Upon a Time

Well, the plan is to try and keep an online diary of my research. So this will probably make for rather dull reading, but the idea is that if I need to access something, I can get to it. All hail the blogosphere. So prepare to be enthralled by a collection of random quotes from whomever I'm reading at any given time and a poor quality application of those theories onto whatever interwebs fad I happen to be obsessed with at any given time (Secret Life of Dolls, I am looking at you). Consider it an online mindmap. Just don't use it for directions, because my thoughts often ramble off of cliffs on wings made from honey and lost chicken feathers. Yeah, it's very much more Icarus than Pegasus.

So today's theory reading list includes: Convergence Culture by one Henry Jenkins, Illegal Harmonies by Mr Andrew Ford (heh, I win Amazon, my copy was only $9.95 from the Monash Uni Bookshop Sale Table), and Je, Tu, Nous by Luce Irigaray (on loan from the lovely Ms L).

For texts in action (today), I'm looking at Frank Beddor's Looking Glass Wars series, which utilises novels (The Looking Glass Wars, Seeing Redd, Arch Enemy), graphic novels (Hatter M: The Looking Glass Wars Vol. 1 - with a video trailor), a scrapbook (Princess Alyss of Wonderland - it's nearly my birthday?), a website (including forum community), a movie and an online game. Actually, there's more than one game. There is also music and, yeah, there's a shop.

And you know... Lewis Carroll's texts kind've have to get a look in too.

So Beddor is totally rocking this whole transmedia narrative schtick. I'm going to break for luncheon and meds (can't have me going all hatter), and then we'll see what I can't drag together from this red-hot-mess.