Friday, August 7, 2009

The Very Secret Geekout

Having an epic Geekout watching Lord of the Rings extended editions with cast commentary. No analysis. Just wine and giggles.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cup of tea, cup of tea, almost got a shag, cup of tea.

We’ve been watching a lot of Buffy recently. It’s been comforting to go back to it after an absence of quite a few years. There’s so much in there, but I think that Buffy is going to be one of the few texts that I can’t bring myself to tear apart. There’s so much in there, but I kind of enjoy just being able to watch it for the sake of watching it. Also, it’s kind of comforting in times of need. Like now. Pet boy is being an arse. Hopefully this arseyness is the end of all the arseyness. The grand Fuckoff has been issued. Now I just need the willpower to maintain it.
Buffy helps with that.