Monday, September 14, 2009


I had a delightful break in Sydvegas with Sins have have arrived back, newly baptised as Trashbat. The change of atmosphere was really delightful, very very different culturally from Melbourne. And I think I really like it there. The change, the difference, it felt really invigorating. I think it's partially because I feel that for the last three or four years I've been in a rut. And that's a very long time. It's not that I haven't been doing things, I have, absolutely. But it's all very long term commitment stuff, and I'm really wanting the pleasure of some immediate responses. So I thought I might look at maybe splitting my research. There is no way I'd sacrifice the wonderful Doc in Boots, she has to supervise. But I think that some time in a different context for a little while might be healthy. Will be healthy. I'm looking into other supervisors in NSW. I'm doing it and it feels good.