Monday, September 14, 2009


I had a delightful break in Sydvegas with Sins have have arrived back, newly baptised as Trashbat. The change of atmosphere was really delightful, very very different culturally from Melbourne. And I think I really like it there. The change, the difference, it felt really invigorating. I think it's partially because I feel that for the last three or four years I've been in a rut. And that's a very long time. It's not that I haven't been doing things, I have, absolutely. But it's all very long term commitment stuff, and I'm really wanting the pleasure of some immediate responses. So I thought I might look at maybe splitting my research. There is no way I'd sacrifice the wonderful Doc in Boots, she has to supervise. But I think that some time in a different context for a little while might be healthy. Will be healthy. I'm looking into other supervisors in NSW. I'm doing it and it feels good.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Teh sparkley, sparkley angst

Just finished the newest Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead (Blood Promise), so I need to re-look at my vampire paper and add to it. There's quite a bit of writing for me to do over the next month and I can't seem to get motivated enough to do it. I know I need to suck it up and get in there. I'm hoping to finish the short story first, as a sort of warm up, before going back to the Snow White stuff. I have to incorporate the Draco Trilogy stuff into my Harry Paper too. I know it's a case of heads down, bums up, but I'm a little scared to get back into it.

Yeah, I know. Suck it up, Princess.